The Wim Hof Breathing Method: Another Habit For Optimum Health

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For years, I’ve half-assed practiced focused breathing techniques. My go-to was bastardized from Tony Robbins. A set of ten or so full breaths, each held for a 24-30 count before exhaling. I believe the theory was that by holding the full breath in, more of that oxygen could get into the blood stream. Thus, this was a method to quickly oxygenate the blood.

It worked. It seemed to remove the brain fog and make me feel more awake. But, it wasn’t enough of an effect and didn’t have a list of benefits behind it to make it a daily practice.

I’ve already mentioned the great Wim Hof on this site. Wim’s claim to fame is his exploring the benefits of cold water plunges and cold water showers. The Wim Hof Breathing Method is, I believe, bastardized by Tony Robbins to create what I had originally bastardized from him. Follow?

This stuff is a bit more elaborate and intense than just breathing in deep and holding your breath. But, it is not overly difficult or time consuming and can be done by anyone, anywhere. Plus, the benefits have been proven to scientifically exist and are not just hocus pocus. Read Wim’s book: The Wim Hof Method: Activate Your Full Human Potential for the full low-down.

What Is The Wim Hof Breathing Method?

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